In other articles we have already said the importance of incorporating seaweed into our diet. These organisms from the plant world contain many essential nutrients in a healthy and healthy diet. Among other compounds, they are rich in minerals and vitamins. Today we will go into detail with kelp seaweed, an algae that will undoubtedly help improve your cellular metabolism.


First of all, let’s define its origin and appearance. Kelp algae are usually a mixture of the genera Ascophylum and Laminaria. They have a greenish color because they grow near the surface of the sea. As they are not found in the depths, they absorb the sunlight necessary to carry out photosynthesis, which translates into greater production of chlorophyll, which is green in color. However, some are brown in color because they develop in somewhat deeper areas.

As for their shape, they are quite long and flattened.

Properties of kelp seaweed and nutritional information

Next, we will see the nutritional content of these algae.

  • Minerals As is typical of sea vegetables, kelp is rich in minerals, especially iodine. Iodine is very important for the growth and development of the smallest of the house. It also contains calcium, essential for the growth and maintenance of bones.
  • Flucoidin and other carbohydrates such as mannitol.
  • Alginic acid. Prevents diarrhea.
  • Fiber, very useful to promote digestion and purify the entire digestive system.
  • Amino acids. Apart from synthesizing them, they absorb them in the sea.
  • Vitamins, especially K and E. The richness in vitamins provides antioxidant properties.

Benefits of kelp seaweed

To health

  • Digestivas. Due to their fiber content, they facilitate the digestive process.
  • They prevent constipation.
  • Antidiarrheal, thanks to algin.
  • They have a high capacity to absorb heavy metals, essential to prevent their accumulation and purify the body.
  • They promote metabolism, something essential in maintaining body weight. A good diet is much more appropriate than not eating if your purpose is to lose weight. In addition, you can combine it with another very interesting dietary supplement for weight loss: garcinia cambogia.
  • Regulates cholesterol levels.
  • Helps keep blood pressure on average.
  • They control gas, reducing flatulence and the discomfort it causes.
  • Antirust. Vitamins prevent cellular stress and early entry into senescence. In other words, they help keep our bodies young inside and out.
  • Anticoagulant.

Their composition makes them ideal to take as a supplement when you have a lack of nutrients. In herbalists and specialized stores you will find kelp seaweed in pills or capsules.

For cosmetics

  • Nutrition. Kelp seaweed is very nutritious and the skin can take advantage of this property. For this reason, many cosmetics integrate it.
  • Revitalizes the skin. When you apply it in masks, you will obtain a calming and revitalizing effect typical of these vegetables.
  • It prevents aging and the formation of free radicals due to its richness in vitamins, helping to maintain a youthful appearance for longer.

Contraindications and side effects of kelp seaweed

Some people cannot exceed the consumption of these marine plants due to their physical or health condition.

  • Those who suffer from hyperthyroidism. Being rich in iodine, as it stimulates the thyroid gland, it could affect the general metabolism.
  • Make sure of the origin. As they absorb heavy metals very well, you should consume those that come from uncontaminated areas, since these substances harmful to health could pass to you.
  • Allergic reactions. It is rare, but some people may show an allergy to its consumption. That is why it is better to try them first.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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