Any product from coconut such as oil, milk or water usually brings to mind a tropical environment and many natural benefits for the body. Specifically, the water, obtained from young coconuts, is tremendously nutritious and delicious.

In this article you will learn about the medicinal properties of coconut water, what it is for, how to drink it on an empty stomach and how to make a juice with homemade recipes.

How to make coconut water? Recipe to prepare it step by step

The development of coconut water is very simple. First, prepare the necessary ingredients for the recipe.

Now follow the preparation steps:

  1. Open the coconut. You can help yourself with an opener starting with the holes in the fruit.
  2. Put the water that was inside the coconut in a glass.
  3. Strain the liquid so that it has no crust.
  4. Cut the coconut fruit in half and scoop out the white flesh with a spoon or knife. If you find it difficult to break it, help yourself with a hammer.
  5. Grate the white part and pour it into the glass with the coconut water.
  6. Add the cinnamon or another ingredient that you like. I do not recommend adding sugar to make the drink healthier.
  7. Beat the mixture with a mixer until it is a homogeneous liquid.
  8. Add the skimmed or evaporated milk along with a little water.
  9. Beat again to mix everything well and add the ice to give it a refreshing touch.
  10. Store what is left in the fridge so it doesn’t spoil.

What are the benefits of coconut water and what is it for?

Fasting, to lose weight

Coconut water is a low calorie drink, with approximately 50 calories per 230 ml. Its sugar content is much lower than that of other fruits, but its flavor is very sweet (its value is still high).

If your purpose is to lose weight, a good option is to drink coconut juice on an empty stomach to satisfy the excess appetite that encourages you to snack between meals. To do this, have a glass before breakfast and then eat something like whole wheat toast with a slice of turkey and a piece of fruit. This way you will have energy to start the morning and you will not go hungry.

Coconut water to hydrate the body

Another property is that, since almost all the drink is water, it serves to rehydrate you while enjoying its pleasant flavor. It is ideal to take it in summer from the refrigerator because it refreshes and helps to replenish electrolytes. Among the minerals present in coconut, we have sodium, magnesium, calcium or potassium, all of which are essential for health.

It is digestive

One of the outstanding benefits of coconut water is its tonic ability to improve digestion. When you eat very copious or difficult to digest food, add a glass of this juice to relieve symptoms of heaviness. In tropical regions, this water has also been used to treat some mild symptoms and illnesses such as constipation or stomach flu. The reason is that it promotes the absorption of nutrients in the intestine and intervenes in the digestive process of food through enzymatic proteins.

However, one of its contraindications resides in its laxative effect, so be careful with the daily dose of coconut.

Contains antioxidant vitamins and other essential nutrients

  • Coconut water is characterized by its antioxidant benefits, thanks to the presence of B complex vitamins.
  • Contains the minerals mentioned above.
  • It is rich in sulfur, zinc and more trace elements necessary in the human diet.
  • Promotes the neutralization of free radicals.

Coconut water as a brain energy supply

The potassium concentration in a cup of coconut water is higher than that of a banana, which is why it is considered as a natural remedy to control the heart rate and stimulate the muscles. In addition, other electrolytes serve to preserve cognitive functions and nerve connections.

Improves the immune system

A compound present in coconut is lauric acid, with antimicrobial and antifungal activity. In this way, it will serve as a support to fight infections of various types along with other medications. It is a good booster for the immune system. Remember to ask a professional first.

An anti-aging water

Many beauty treatments use the active ingredients in coconut water to combat premature aging. The cause of this is based on its content in cytokinins, hormones of plant origin involved in the development and senescence of plant cells. Some cosmetic medicine magazines confirm its anti-aging properties on human skin.

Alkaline diet supplement?

Some media claim that coconut water is a liquid to alkalize the body, which is useful to prevent diseases caused by excess acidity in the body. That is, this drink would increase the pH of the fluids and you would be “more alkaline”. This is a mere legend since there is no scientific evidence in this regard.

Regulates blood circulation

Some specialists explain that coconut water serves to tone the heart, as well as to regulate the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. This implies a decreased risk of heart attack, blood clots, and thrombi.

In our opinion, the best option is to eat a balanced diet together with sports to enjoy good health. Consume this natural product in moderation and do not overdo it.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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