The drink of this water provides energy, combats premature aging of the skin, reduces the effects of diarrhea, improves the digestive process and is rich in minerals and vitamins.

There are times that we do not realize it, but we have great home remedies at our fingertips and we can prepare them in a very simple way. Today we bring you a new article explaining what rice water is for, how to make this ancient liquid at home, how to use it for the skin of the face, hair, in newborn babies and how to take it to lose weight, in addition to many other properties that will delight us thanks to its virtues.

What is rice water for and what benefits will it bring you?

The presence of nutrients in the water with which you have cooked the rice is higher than you think, so you should never throw it away. The only thing you have to do after cooking the cereal is to store it with a pinch of cinnamon in a glass container and keep it in the refrigerator. It is an easy, inexpensive process and it is delicious.

The only thing about rice water is that it does not contain calcium, which is why many companies sell it enriched with the mineral, giving it added value. However, this is not a problem because you can find calcium in milk, nuts, and other plant foods. Here we show you what its benefits are and why you should consume it.

Rice milk for the skin

Para-aminobenzoic acid is a characteristic molecule in sunscreens. In addition, it has antioxidant benefits, reduces skin inflammation and irritations. The water obtained after cooking Oryza sativa is rich in this element that will take care of you outside and inside, ideal for your beauty. One way to take advantage of it is by adding a few drops to your usual cream or to your homemade face masks, especially if it is exfoliating, since it will calm your face and it will redden to a lesser degree.

The result of its cosmetic use is a prevention of premature aging of the skin thanks to another element such as inositol, which stimulates the proliferation of cells in order to keep them young. In summary:

  • Reduces closed pores.
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • It gives the face turgidity, an even tone, softness and shine.
  • It is a revitalizing natural tonic.
  • Fight stains.

Try rice water for hair

If you have damaged, frizzy hair or suffer from hair loss, one way to remedy it is with rice water. Ideally, mix it with other ingredients: oils, egg yolk, nutritious fruits such as avocado or vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, etc. Here’s an example:

  • Pour half an avocado into a bowl.
  • Add half an egg and a tablespoon of yogurt.
  • Add two tablespoons of rice water and a half of olive oil.
  • Stir until a smooth paste is left.
  • Apply to clean and damp hair, massaging gently with the fingertips so that it spreads well through the roots and ends.
  • Leave to act for half an hour. If it drips a lot, wrap the scalp with a clean towel.
  • Remove with shampoo.
  • Repeat the process once or twice a week.

As a result, you will notice a much more hydrated hair, with a strengthened root, resistant to falling and fraying.

Is this water effective for weight loss?

Being low in calories, rice water is an ideal supplement for weight loss. Taking it on an empty stomach causes a satiety effect that takes away the desire to eat between meals and feeds you with enough nutrients. Consequently, the reserve fats begin to burn and after a few days you will notice how you lose weight. You can also have another glass in the afternoon.

However, it is not recommended to take it indefinitely every day, since your body actually needs more energy. And, of course, its consumption must be accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet, with an adequate proportion of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

Rice drink for diarrhea

Some of the minerals that white rice loses after cooking are zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, some vitamins and folic acid, among others. It is important to cook white rice instead of brown rice, because the water will have more nutrients. In this sense, some gastro-intestinal conditions such as vomiting or diarrhea can be treated with glasses of rice juice during meals as a complement, as long as the doctor has allowed it.

Other properties

  • It is energizing. This drink is especially indicated when you find yourself lacking energy, tired, ill or not wanting to eat. Taking a couple of glasses a day serves to obtain a basic amount of nutrients and not be without health. In this sense, both the elderly and children can drink it. What’s more, some specialists recommend it during lactation, since it favors the synthesis of breast milk.
  • The babies can consume under the supervision of the pediatrician.
  • Promotes digestion. Rice milk is very useful during digestion, as it improves the absorption and passage of food through the stomach and intestines. The intestinal flora is conserved and the feeling of heaviness decreases.

How to prepare rice water?

After having read its properties, surely you wonder how rice water is made at home to take advantage of all of them as soon as possible. Some believe that this water comes out of the wash before boiling it, but it is not true. It is obtained after boiling the rice, not after washing it with water.

For this recipe, the necessary ingredients are:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • Two large handfuls of white rice. Remember that it is better than the integral.

Preparation method:

  1. Bring the water to a boil.
  2. Add the rice and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Some people prefer to roast it first.
  3. Strain the mixture and store the water in a glass bottle.

To apply to the skin, you must first store it in the fridge to cool down.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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