The blueberries are known since ancient times, when indigenous used it for treating conditions of the urinary system. In Europe, documents dating from the 16th century speak of the use of its juice by the Romans and Greeks, taking advantage of the properties of its juice. They were neither more nor less than the first references to herbal medicine.

In this article you will learn about the properties and benefits of cranberries and blueberries, what they are for and information about their cultivation and the plant, as well as the contraindications to their consumption.

Properties of cranberry and blueberry juice

Several benefits of this fruit have been determined, that is why its use has been extended for more than four centuries.

  • Antibacterial
    Cranberry juice has antimicrobial characteristics that make it an ideal product to fight cystitis naturally, as well as some urinary infections.
  • The cause of the above property is its high content of hippuric acid. This creates a slightly acidic medium, preventing bacterial growth. Other compounds that intervene in this regard are hydroquinones and arbutin. For this reason, it is thought that drinking a glass of juice serves to protect your bladder and other organs such as the prostate.
  • In addition, by inhibiting the growth of species such as coli, the accumulation of ammonia produced by them is prevented. However, this juice is not always effective and there are patients who cannot completely eliminate Escherichia colistrains, either because they are resistant to the active ingredients of blueberry or because they have not taken an adequate dose.
  • Another of its interesting properties revolves around the prevention of the formation of stones in the kidney, because they contribute to the degradation of the stones due to the acidification of the environment, causing the elimination of excess calcium oxalate.
  • Blueberries are astringent: they are used to treat urinary incontinence.

In addition to drinking juice, you can consume dried cranberry leaves as an infusion. Its preparation is very simple, like any other tea (heat the water and introduce the dry leaves, let it infuse for 5 minutes, strain the mixture and drink). Treatment should always be supervised by a doctor, self-medication is dangerous even if it doesn’t seem like it.

To take care of the sight

A bit of history: Did you know that in WWII, aviation soldiers drank blueberry jam to protect their eyesight? It is something that the English discovered by chance and noticed that their adaptation to sudden changes in brightness was faster. Later, several related investigations were carried out and the results were satisfactory, that is, this fruit or berry contributes to preserving visual health and even participates in the prevention of certain eye conditions.

The main reason that blueberries prevent eye diseases lies in compounds called anthocyanins. It is also present in other fruits such as raspberries or plums, in any that have blue, purple or red colors. These flavonoids are antioxidants, they prevent the accumulation of free radicals that cause aging of the eye cells and internal damage to the eyes.

Furthermore, flavonoids have a role in the retina. They have the property of repairing the nervous system that connects with this region of the eye. It also promotes blood circulation to supply it with oxygen and stimulates the synthesis of a structural molecule known as rhodopsin.

In this way, blueberries prevent some diseases or conditions:

  • Retinal detachment.
  • Night blindness.

On the health of the digestive system

Blueberries are characterized by their antivomitive benefits. As we explained above, they are rich in hydroquinones and certain acids, as well as minerals and antispasmodic molecules such as quercetin or rutin. It also has caryophyllene and beta carotenes, which are responsible for protecting the stomach. Therefore, cranberry juice fights conditions such as:

  • Diarrhea, for its astringent benefits. To naturally remedy diarrhea, blueberries are usually prepared in tincture.
  • Fight indigestion. If you have an accumulation of gases in the intestines, digestion is very slow or you feel that you are going to have indigestion, juice with cranberry and blueberry is a homemade alternative that could alleviate the symptoms.
  • Gastroenteritis. Decrease the likelihood of vomiting.

Other uses for cranberries and blueberries

Some use them for the early stages of diabetes, specifically type II. It is also a stimulant of blood circulation. It is a powerful vasodilator, reduces bleeding and strengthens blood vessels. It intervenes in the health of the circulatory system due to bioflavonoids.

Therefore, blueberries are consumed to combat hemorrhoids, varicose veins and arteriosclerosis.

Information about the medicinal plant and its cultivation

There are several species of the shrub that produce the fruit: Vaccinium oxycoccus, Vaccinium microcarpum, and Vaccinium macrocarpon. Its growth takes place mainly in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. The shrub does not get to measure too much, they are evergreen and the stems do not reach 10 centimeters in length. Its flowers are pinkish, and its stamens are visible next to its petals.

Harvesting the cultivated berries should be done when they have matured. The best season to collect the leaves is in summer. Once they are plucked from the plant, let them dry in sunlight and then store them in a container that you can close as tightly as possible.

Respect for the fruits, if you are not going to eat them fresh, you can extract their juice or leave them in the sunlight until they are dried to drink them dry. Again, keep them in a container that is tightly closed. An interesting recipe is to take them frozen.

Contraindications, side effects and toxicity of blueberries

Your doctor knows what dose to give you of blueberries so as not to violate the contraindications. It is the best way to avoid side effects, despite its relatively low toxicity.

For example, it is not recommended to carry out too long treatments of infusions, since some of its compounds would exceed the threshold of toxicity, such as arbutin. Excess calories is not good.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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