There are many people who have not tried this food with impressive benefits. The almond milk is very similar to beef, but Its properties include the absence of lactose and gluten, in addition to the cholesterol concentration is practically zero. Its nutritional values ​​are considerably high, since it contains a variety of minerals and vitamins. Without a doubt, it is a food that you cannot miss. It is ideal for celiacs, it nourishes our body, you can make it homemade and it is also very rich.

It is also ideal for weight loss. It contains many antioxidants, in addition to calcium for the bones, iron or potassium. Its flavor is very characteristic as it incorporates a dried fruit with essential fatty acids. In this article we want you to know how to make almond milk, all its benefits and properties, and finally we will answer some frequently asked questions.

Recipes: how to prepare almond milk?

The homemade almond milk preparation has many advantages. Most commercial products have added sugars that eliminate their benefit in weight loss, among others. Therefore, it is advisable to do it at home. Here we show you how.

The ingredients you need are:

  • Almonds A cup is enough.

The preparation method is as follows:

  1. The almonds must be previously soaked, at least for eight hours.
  2. Drain them before starting the recipe. Run them under water to clean them.
  3. Put water in a blender, triple the volume of almonds.
  4. Activate the blender and wait a few minutes until it is a homogeneous mixture.
  5. Sweeten to taste. Remember that sugar or honey are not recommended to lose weight.
  6. For a smooth texture, strain the milk.

What are its benefits and properties?

For starters, almond milk is a gluten-free food, unlike cow’s milk. It also has no lactose, and the cholesterol concentration is minimal or absent. In this sense they are all benefits. In addition, in terms of the consistency of the liquid, it is very similar to that of cow, so you will not notice too much difference in its texture.

  • It is rich in vitamin E and tocopherol. Our body needs a daily dose of vitamin, which this dairy can provide. Because of this property, some cosmetic anti-aging skin treatments have been seen.
  • Other vitamins present are A and E.
  • It is rich in minerals such as iron, calcium or potassium, in addition to unsaturated fats such as omega 3.
  • It contains fiber, to combat constipation, improving the absorption of nutrients and favors intestinal transit, as well as the development of the digestive process.
  • It is low in calories. For this reason, almond milk is taken by many people to lose weight. It has about a third the calories of whole cow’s milk. What you must remember is that when you consume it, do not add sweeteners such as sugar.

This translates into multiple benefits. Many use it to lose weight, to alleviate symptoms of constipation or to improve their blood cholesterol levels. Also celiacs or lactose intolerant. You can include it in your diet for these purposes.

  • To lose weight. As we have mentioned, it has very few calories and changing it for a time with that of cow can mean a decrease in the intake of fat that would be stored in your body, in the form of adipose tissue. It is very effective to lose weight.
  • To regulate intestinal transit. Almond milk improves digestion by making it lighter than cow’s milk, which is more indigestible.
  • To regulate blood cholesterol levels, as it increases HDL and lowers LDL.
  • To prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Suitable for celiacs or lactose intolerant. Consult your doctor first.
  • As you have seen, almond milk has very interesting health benefits. That is why it is one of the main substitutes for cow.

Contraindications of almond milk

You already know that any food has certain contraindications that you should read before you start consuming it. Check the food label to prevent side effects and consult the contraindications of almond milk with your doctor. Here are some.

  • An excess in its consumption can hinder the absorption of iodine by the body.
  • Reduce your intake if you suffer from thyroid problems.
  • Before starting any treatment, whether you are pregnant, nursing or not, ask a professional.
  • It is not recommended for babies.

Does almond milk make you fat?

If you buy it commercially, it usually has a lot of added sugars, on the order of 20 grams of simple sugars per 100 ml of product. If you don’t want to make homemade, there are many good brands on the market, without sugar.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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