Eating natural recipes is very important to stay healthy. Purifying juices are a good choice that help cleanse the body of impurities that appear as a result of an unbalanced diet, inclement weather and the consumption of drugs such as tobacco, alcohol and others.

In addition to cleaning the interior, they are an excellent source of essential nutrients in a healthy diet. The minerals, vitamins and the necessary concentration of sugars and other compounds that are required to live. And of course, you will delight your palate with juices that are delicious and are prepared in a few minutes.

In today’s home remedy we want to show you some cleansing juices for the liver, some of which will help you lose weight effectively. However, as we tell you most of the time, you should complement it with daily exercise and a healthy and balanced diet. Juices are not the only source of fluids, it is important to remember that you must drink the necessary amount of water for the body to be healthy. That said, it is not necessary to buy in stores, here you have a series of purifying juice recipes that you are going to love.

Citrus fruit juice

It is one of the best choices to cleanse the liver and the body. It is a diuretic, ideal if you suffer from fluid retention. Being made up of fruits and vegetables, it provides nutrients that can supply many deficiencies, without the need to resort to expensive pills that provide the same or less.

Minerals such as calcium for bones, or iron for hemoglobin, antioxidant vitamins and other compounds are found in this juice.

The recipe is very simple, these are the ingredients you need.

  • A couple of oranges.
  • A couple of spinach leaves.
  • A grapefruit
  • Sliced ​​pineapple and diced papaya to taste.

Once you have them prepared, squeeze them or pass them through the blender. Drink a juice a day for 30 days and you will see how much better you feel.

Green juice

It is named for its characteristic color. It is another great cleanser of our body, which cleanses it intensely. It is very rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber. It also fights fluid retention due to its diuretic effect. It will help you fight constipation naturally.

To prepare this green juice recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Three slices of pineapple.
  • Half a cucumber.
  • Honey to taste (not recommended if you are looking to lose weight).
  • A couple of celery.

Add them to the blender minus the honey, which is added later. As there will be lumps, if you don’t like them you can pass the juice through a strainer.

Juice to lose weight and fight orange peel

If what you want, in addition to detoxifying inside, is to eliminate orange peel, maybe this juice can help you. It is completely natural and reduces fluid retention, it also eliminates fat that is stored in excess in adipocytes.

To prepare this delicious smoothie, you only need the following ingredients:

  • A couple of grapefruits.
  • Four or five strawberries.
  • Peeled cucumber.
  • Several slices of pineapple to taste.
  • A glass of water.

Again, you have to mix all the ingredients and blend them. Strain it if you don’t like the pulp. The Thermomix is ​​a good choice. Take it for breakfast or dinner every day.

These are examples of recipes, but you can customize them to your liking with other ingredients, such as carrot, which is very good for the liver, or give it a cold touch with ice for the summer. And remember: this is not juice therapy, it is a fun way to take ingredients that we need to live.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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