The gomasio, also known as sesame salt, has been traditionally used in Japanese recipes. Not only does it have a high nutritional quality, but it is also very rich and its preparation is very simple.

This seasoning is made from sea salt and sesame seeds. That is, it provides nutrients such as vegetable proteins, unsaturated fatty acids (which are essential for human life and must be obtained in the diet) and minerals. Among the minerals it provides are calcium for bones, or iron for hemoglobin and other functions. These two minerals make gomasio a suitable product for children, since it promotes healthy growth.

In this article we want to explain various tricks to fully enjoy the properties of rubber. We recommend that you read the following tips to make it.

Preparing this food is very simple. the proportions of sesame seeds and sea salt may vary depending on the recipe, also on your tastes. You can buy gomasio in various establishments, but making it homemade results in a much tastier seasoning. Next you will know its traditional recipe.

Ingredients and materials


  • Sea salt, preferably unrefined
  • Sesame seeds. Chia seeds, or flaxseed, are also worth it.

You can easily find both ingredients in supermarkets or specialty stores.


  • Clean frying pan.
  • Grooved mortar for grinding.
  • Container to store the rubber, preferably glass. This way it will better preserve its properties and benefits.

How to make the gomasio step by step

  1. In the skillet, add six to seven dessert-size tablespoons of seeds. Remember that the pan must be very clean, so that the food has a pure flavor.
  2. Without adding oil, brown them a little. Do not stop moving them so that they do not burn and they are all done evenly.
  3. Put them in the Japanese mortar and open them carefully. You don’t have to grind or shred them, but they can’t be whole, either. If they open slightly, our body will absorb more nutrients.
  4. Since the original ratio is 7 × 1, add a tablespoon of sea salt to the pan. As we have done with the seeds, apply a little heat.
  5. When it has heated up, mix the salt with the seeds.
  6. Store the mixture. As we have said, it is better if the container is made of glass. It should have a hermetic seal.

Despite the fact that the container is hermetic, it is advisable to consume the gomasio within a week. You can make more or less quantity, but the proportion must be the same. In this way, you make sure you benefit from the nutrients in the seeds.

What are the benefits and properties of gomasio?

The nutritional value of gomasio makes it worthwhile to always have it on hand, since it provides very healthy resources to the body. Let’s see what it contains.

  • Unsaturated fatty acids. As you already know, we cannot synthesize them and we need to incorporate them through diet. They play an essential structural role in cell plasma membranes.
  • Vegetable proteins and amino acids.
  • Vitamins. Vitamins C and E are antioxidants, and contribute to the neutralization of free radicals. For its part, vitamin B keeps the skin healthy. It should be remembered that a vitamin dose higher than necessary does not suppose any additional benefit, since the excess is eliminated via the kidneys.
  • Fiber. Helps in digestion and reduces symptoms of constipation.
  • Minerals. Calcium is completely necessary for the development and maintenance of bones. That is why it is advisable to incorporate gomasio or sesame seeds into the children’s diet. It is also rich in iron.
  • Having seen the nutritional value of this food, we can now know how it will promote our health.
  • Regulates the pH after the consumption of other meaty or excessively acidic foods.
  • Essential fatty acids such as linoleic contribute to the protection of the heart.
  • Fiber protects the stomach, intestine, and other parts of the digestive system.
  • It is widely used in the macrobiotic diet.
  • Tasty foods help us keep a smile every day, for the whole family 🙂

In what recipes can gomasio be used?

In multiple recipes. It is a very versatile ingredient, which is worth adding, from time to time, to the following dishes.

  • Salads To provide a different and tasty touch, at the rate of half a tablespoon per person.
  • In soups or stews, like any other spice.
  • In meat, fish and seafood. A tablespoon of gomasio on prawns gives them a very pleasant flavor.
  • As it favors the digestive process, it is widely used in macrobiotic diets.
  • Half a tablespoon a day without more, to supply nutritional deficiencies.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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