The apple cider vinegar has gained fame in recent years as it is able to remedy different aspects of health, and also used in weight loss diets. However, although many people claim that it has helped them lose weight, there is not much scientific evidence to confirm this property.

It was Dr. Jarvis who “discovered” the different benefits of apple cider vinegar. Since this event occurred, food has carved out a respectable niche in the corners of supermarkets and specialized food stores. This vinegar is marketed both in capsules and in normal bottles, but you should note that the label says “pure” to make sure it is not a mixture.

How to make homemade apple cider vinegar?

In addition to buying it, you can do it yourself at home, in a very simple way. This is possible thanks to the fermentation that takes place in the fruit juice. Therefore, if you want to make homemade apple cider vinegar, you simply have to extract its juice, leave it in a glass bottle and wait a few days for the vinegar to form. You don’t need to add sugar, since the fruit is sweet and the sugar it contains is enough for bacteria.

Apart from having told you how to do it in your own home, in this article we want to tell you about some additional benefits and properties of apple cider vinegar.

Properties of apple cider vinegar for health

To lose weight

The greatest fame of this juice comes precisely from its supposed ability to make those who consume it lose weight. Some studies dare to affirm that the acetic acid it contains contributes to the reduction of weight and body fat, thus making the consumer lose weight. Actually, there is not much evidence in this regard that proves it with certainty, although it is also true that each person is different.

How can I take apple cider vinegar to lose weight? First dilute a couple of tablespoons of the fermented juice in water. Stir it well until the mixture is homogeneous. If you want it pure, you can take a daily spoonful, or two, during the meal or on an empty stomach. You can also buy the product prepared and ready to take, in capsules or in a bottle. Of course, before starting the diet or treatment, consult your doctor.

Strengthens the skin against fungi

The person responsible for this property is, again, acetic acid, which contributes to the elimination of the fungus, especially Candida albicans.

To eliminate fungi, you simply have to immerse the affected area in a solution with apple cider vinegar, or apply it through massage. You can prepare the solution at the rate of one part water to two parts vinegar.

Fight varicose veins and prevent their development

This property does not have strong scientific evidence either, but many people say that treating varicose veins with apple cider vinegar was effective for them.

To carry out the treatment, soak a gauze with the juice and let it act on the varicose veins for at least half an hour.

A home remedy for a cold

As with lemon juice with honey, you can make an apple cider vinegar based syrup to reduce symptoms of coughs, colds, and sore throats. The only difference is that here the mixture should not be swallowed, but simply gargled.

Make a 1: 1 solution of apple cider vinegar and water for gargling. Do it 2-4 times a day.

If you want to ingest it, do not mix it with water, prepare a syrup with honey.

It is an acne fighter

You can buy or make a mask with apple cider vinegar, in order to combat acne pimples. This is due to its antimicrobial properties, which disinfect the affected parts, and help regulate sebum secretion and the pH of the skin.

If you don’t have sensitive skin, you can try combining apple cider vinegar with a green or white clay mask.

In the hair

This wonderful juice is also good for hair health. Hair care is the order of the day and there are many treatments for its care.

Apple cider vinegar is used to have strong and healthy hair, as it actively fights dandruff and gives it shine and softness.

It is suitable for almost all hair types, whether it is oily, straight or curly. On the other hand, if you have very dry hair, we recommend that you try argan oil. It is also suitable for dogs.

Finally, due to its acidic pH, apple cider vinegar turns out to be an effective remedy for lice.

Fight constipation

It favors the digestion process and purifies both the stomach and the intestine.

Does apple cider vinegar present contraindications?

Indeed, as it is a very acidic product, its consumption is not recommended in situations of weakness or sensitivity. It is also not recommended for use as a treatment during pregnancy, or if you have any type of stomach ulcer.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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