In another article we already talked about kefir in a general way, mentioning the different types that exist and their uses. Today we are going to focus specifically on water kefir, all its properties and how to make it at home. So get ready to learn how to do it yourself, you will see that it is very simple.

It must be said that kefir has some “strange” properties. The set of bacteria and fungi that form it is not sold in stores, but if you want to enjoy its true flavor, it is recommended that you produce it yourself, both from milk and water. Therefore, the first thing you need is to get some nodules to begin the procedure. Surely a friend or close person has kefir at home. If not, you can go to a health food store or herbalist, where people often make this type of probiotic.

Why do we like water kefir more than milk kefir?

Actually, there are three types of kefir: water, milk, and kombucha (or tea). The water and milk are similar, but they differ quite a lot from the Kombucha.

In fact, the only difference between the first two is that one is prepared in water and the other in milk. The microorganisms in the nodule are the same.

It is true that milk kefir is more famous, perhaps because this food achieves a more pleasant taste, similar to that of yogurt. For its part, we prefer the water in Argan Web Oil because it has better medicinal properties. Its maintenance is also easier. Also, water kefir has fewer contraindications or side effects like intolerance. Its preparation is simpler, since the only thing that is needed as a medium is natural mineral water.

Water kefir: properties and indications of the probiotic

When is the use of this wonderful food recommended?

  • To promote digestion, or in cases of mild stomach upset. You should consult your doctor first.
  • For constipation.
  • To promote digestive metabolism. Some scientific studies claim that water kefir may be effective in treating diarrhea in children, as well as other gastrointestinal problems, such as gastroenteritis. All this is possible because the microorganisms present are probiotics, that is, with health benefits.
  • To lose weight. Some people have claimed that, along with a healthy and balanced diet, water kefir helped them lose weight.
  • Food fungi have shown an antibiotic effect.
  • Anti-cancer? No. Any such serious related problem, go quickly to your doctor.

Where do I get nodules for water kefir?

As we have mentioned before, the usual thing is that someone gives you a part of their kefir so that you can continue growing it and preparing the food. It really is a nice tradition to follow.

If you can not find it anywhere, I recommend that you go to an establishment of alternative therapies and natural remedies, surely you will find someone who wants to share it. You don’t need to pay for it at herbalists. There are generous people who will give you a part, as the granules grow quickly.

How to make water kefir in easy steps

First of all, you have to take into account some considerations. For example, as for the container to store it, you should use a glass one. You cannot use the metal, as it will affect the kefir granules and can reduce their growth.

Also, the container should have a wide mouth. Also, you need:

  • A plastic or wooden spoon
  • A colander or drainer.
  • A liter of water (remember that it cannot be from the tap, but mineral, better Bezoya).
  • Cane sugar: 5 dessert spoons or 3 tureens.
  • Half a lemon and a dried fig.
  • Water kefir: the nodules. Do not add more than 3 tablespoons, as it will grow on its own.

Next, let’s see how to do it in a few very simple steps:

  1. First add the liter of water to the glass bottle.
  2. Add all the ingredients mentioned above.
  3. Shake them until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  4. Once you have mixed everything, remember not to close the bottle completely, otherwise, fermentation will not occur.
  5. When you’ve prepared it, let it sit for a whole day. Then stir it well and leave it for another 24 – 48 hours. If you leave it for more days, the drink will be more fizzy, that depends on your taste. And all at room temperature.
  6. Once the time has elapsed, pass the mixture through the wringer. The liquid that falls is to consume and the water kefir to continue cultivating it.
  7. You can store the drink in the fridge. Do not leave it too many days, since the duration of its properties is limited.

If you want to reuse the nodules left in the drainer, first wash them with bottled mineral water and repeat the above procedure. If you are not going to use it immediately, you can store it well in water with a high concentration of sugar, or directly in the freezer. However, in the second way it will lose some of its properties due to an excessively low temperature, since the microorganisms that form kefir are not cryophiles.

When you have a lot of biomass of water kefir, you can gift it to someone to continue the tradition. We hope you are encouraged to do so.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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