The orange blossom water is full of properties: why is used in perfumery, confectionery and taken as infusion. Today we show you how to prepare it.

Orange blossom water is obtained from various white flowers from various vegetables such as lemon, orange and other trees that produce citrus fruits. Its production is carried out by distilling the infusion with the mixture of all these flowers.

Among its applications, it is frequently used in confectionery, especially in the preparation of cakes, in the characteristic roscón de Reyes and other sweet desserts. Likewise, the perfumery sector uses it due to its intense and pleasant aroma. In fact, many of the most popular perfumes incorporate this water as bases in their formulation.

How to prepare homemade and natural orange blossom water

There are two known ways to make orange blossom water.

  • Adding five flowers to each person who is going to drink the infusion. It is as simple as heating the water until it boils, adding the flowers (if you are four people, you will need twenty flowers), wait 60 seconds, turn off the heat and let the infusion macerate for 8-12 minutes. You can combine it with a few drops of lemon or honey to discover new flavors.
  • Another option (more complicated, but better) is to use an alembic to distill, and this way the water will last much longer if you want to store it. In this case, you need 150 g of the dried orange blossom, which should be soaked in water for a whole day on your kitchen counter. Subsequently, distill the mixture with the alembic to obtain a purer orange blossom water with better properties.
  • To make a perfume, the white flower petals will be macerated in alcohol.

For storage, it should be kept in a tightly closed glass bottle, in the dark, in the refrigerator. Consume within a few days.

What is orange blossom water for?

There are many properties that orange blossom water gives you. The flowers from the lemon tree, the orange tree and other citrus fruits usually have medicinal applications. Its infusion is sedative, reduces muscle spasms and relieves retained gases (carminative). Some research affirms that it has a choleretic effect.

With the prior approval of a doctor, orange blossom water is usually prescribed or recommended as a home remedy to alleviate some symptoms.

  • Against the gases produced during digestion, due to its carminative properties already mentioned.
  • To relieve irritable bowel.
  • Fight intestinal spasms.
  • Another characteristic of orange blossom is its hypnotic effect, ideal for those who suffer from insomnia. But this can be considered as a contraindication.
  • Sedative action.
  • For the nerves.

In the field of beauty, its applications are:

  • As a facial toner.
  • Make-up remover

These medicinal uses are due to the presence of active principles such as linalol, limonene, coumarin, ascorbic acid, citric acid, methyl anthranilate, flavonic heterosides or auraptene, among others.


Orange blossom is contraindicated for:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Parkinson’s patients.
  • Sick with gastritis.
  • Respiratory allergies or its essential oils.
  • Topical use on sensitive skin must be controlled and care must be taken with exposure to the sun, as photosensitization could take place.

It should be noted that an infusion with orange blossom water can multiply its benefits if it is combined with other medicinal herbs such as chamomile, lemon verbena or linden. Make your favorite tisane to your liking.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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