If you cannot tolerate cow’s milk, goat’s milk or you are a vegetarian, don’t miss out on the fantastic benefits that oat milk offers you. Today we tell you all the properties of this rich vegetable drink and a homemade recipe that you will love.

Today, there are all kinds of vegetable milks that can easily substitute those of animal origin. Plant-based drinks have been established as an alternative for those who suffer from lactose intolerance, have an allergy to some animal protein or simply follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. That is, whether you can’t or don’t want to, they are a natural solution to fill the nutritional deficiencies that cause not consuming goat’s or cow’s milk.

Returning to oat milk, you should consider it as necessary in your diet, even in that of children, since it makes a great contribution of nutrients with extensive health benefits. In this article you will discover everything about this drink and its properties, we will also teach you how to make homemade and natural oat milk, what are its contraindications and some tips to enjoy its flavor to the fullest.

Oat milk properties and nutritional information

As you will see, milk with oat flakes is a food rich in all kinds of essential nutrients, which is why it should be taken frequently as part of a balanced and healthy diet. Some of its most important components are:

  • Oatmeal stands out for having high concentrations of fiber, a compound that favors intestinal transit, facilitates digestion and prevents constipation. If you have problems doing a belly, without a doubt this vegetable drink is ideal for you.
  • High protein value. Logically, it cannot be compared with dairy products of animal origin, whose protein content is extremely high. But the oatmeal drink also contains protein, about 2 grams per 240 ml of liquid. A detail to take into account on the part of vegans.

Essential amino acids. Continuing with the protein information, it is worth mentioning that this drink has more than acceptable levels of essential amino acids (which in total are 20). These are involved in chemical reactions of metabolism, as well as in the regeneration of tissues and cellular structures.

  • Carbohydrates(or carbohydrates). One of the most important qualities of oat milk is the large amount of carbohydrates in it. It is one of the best sources of energy in the morning, so you should accompany your breakfast with a glass of this drink. Approximately, for every 250 ml of this milk, we obtain 25 g of carbohydrates.
  • Rich in vitamins. Especially in vitamin B, which improves the activity of the nervous system when taken frequently.
  • Rich in calcium. Again, its calcium content is not as high as in animal milk, but oat milk provides about 260 mg of the mineral per 250 ml of drink.

Benefits of vegetable oatmeal drink

It is more easily digested

If you are one of those who has difficulties digesting cow’s milk, I do not need to tell you about the problems of indigestion and other pains that its consumption causes in a large part of adults. As I explained above, this is because we lose the ability to synthesize lactase, the enzyme that hydrolyzes lactose into glucose and galactose. Thus is born intolerance.

It is funny how when we are little we fully assimilate breast milk, while as we grow older we lose this quality and we must look for alternatives. Well, one of them is the oatmeal drink, much easier to digest than animal dairy products, and an excellent remedy to lighten heavy digestions.

Fight constipation

When you have a hard time doing belly and constipation becomes a routine in your life, suffering sometimes overwhelms us. Thanks to its high fiber content, we can reduce this symptom with vegetable oat milk, which will help us go to the bathroom much better.

Dietary fiber facilitates the absorption of certain nutrients and improves intestinal transit, so that the intestines are not so affected after food intake.

Stimulates the nervous system

The B group vitamins are responsible for benefiting the nervous system when you drink this delicacy of the gods. These vitamins include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) or pyridoxine (B6). All of them are involved in cell metabolism, participate in the transformation of sugars and in the conduction of nerve impulses, among other functions.

Ideal for those with diabetes

Diabetics need to closely monitor the concentration of glucose in the blood, and oatmeal drink is an option to consider for those people who find it difficult to control these levels. However, if you have diabetes and want to undergo medical treatment, you should visit your doctor to supervise it and tell you what you can eat.

How to make homemade oat milk step by step

Although oat milk is easy to find and buy in any grocery store and grocery store, making it at home is much better, and very easy! The same goes for its “sisters”, rice milk, almond milk or soy milk. All you need is to gather the two ingredients of the recipe and the two kitchen utensils that I show you below.

  • Natural mineral water (one liter).
  • Oat flakes (250 ml = one glass).
  • Fine strainer.
  • Blender (a blender also works).
  • Optional: honey, cinnamon, stevia… any ingredient without calories to flavor your drink.

With that said, let’s see how this recipe is made step by step:

  1. Soak the rolled oats overnight. Thus, we let the flakes (or grains) soften, liquefying them will be much easier and the drink will have a very nice extra thickness. The longer you let them sit, the thicker the milk will be. The water you use in this step has nothing to do with what I have put in the ingredients, since we will throw it away the next day.
  2. After the night, drain the flakes and wash them well using the strainer. In this way, impurities that have settled in the water are removed.
  3. Add the flakes and mineral water to the blender. Actually, you can vary the amount of water according to your tastes. The more you put in it, the more liquid the drink will be. On the other hand, if you add less, the milk will come out thicker.
  4. Start beating the mixture at low power, and gradually increase it until it reaches the maximum. So that the oatmeal does not lose its properties, you should not stay at maximum power for a long time, since in the end you would burn it.
  5. To remove lumps, pass the mixture through the fine strainer. Help yourself with a wooden spoon if necessary. You can get rid of the leftover pulp ( okara ) or use it to make cookies or other pastry products.
  6. To sweeten the drink, add honey, vanilla, stevia, or cinnamon to your liking.
  7. Recipe finished! You can now enjoy a rich and nutritious oat milk. Store what you have left in the refrigerator and consume it within 4 days.

Some recipe examples in which you can take oat milk:

  • Fasting, to obtain energy for the rest of the day. Drink it alone or with cereal.
  • For pastries.
  • As a refreshing shake in summer.
  • To cook. You can substitute it for cream, which has more saturated fat and is less healthy.

Important contraindications of oat milk

Despite the fact that oatmeal drink is very nutritious and is part of a healthy diet, it is advisable to read its contraindications before incorporating it into your diet regularly.

For example, if you are celiac, look on the label for “gluten-free” Although oats do not have this molecule per se, many manufacturers work with other cereals that do contain it, and therefore traces of gluten may remain during product processing and packaging.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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