Surely you have not considered it, but sometimes at home we have natural foods that are very beneficial for health, for a healthy life. This is the case of the lemon, something that our ancestors already knew. It stands out mainly for its antimicrobial and disinfectant action. It reduces the symptoms of colds and sore throats, and stimulates the function of the immune system. It also helps to lose weight. This is just the summary: next we are going to tell you 9 really interesting benefits and properties of lemon.

First of all, you should know that the reason for these benefits is mainly due to the presence of minerals such as magnesium or calcium, citric acid and powerful natural antioxidants, such as vitamin C. Among these properties we have that it is an effective calming, digestive and purifying of the organism. Improves the immune system fighting colds and freshens breath. In addition, it is ideal for losing weight if you are on a diet.

Lemon properties for a healthy life

Soothing action

Who hasn’t had lemon juice with honey when their throat hurt? This is because both have calming properties. They also help fight small infections in the pharynx if caught early.

It is advisable to take 3 or 4 tablespoons of the mixture 3 or 4 times a day. You can also take one every time you see your throat start to hurt.

It is digestive and purifying

The composition of lemon is very similar to that of our human saliva, hence it helps digestion. In addition, it has citric acid, essential in this process.

As a result of taking half a tablespoon of lemon juice during a meal, problems such as indigestion or the absorption of toxins will be avoided, and gases that lead to flatulence and belching will be reduced. If the flavor is very strong, you can drink warm water with lemon. With a tablespoon during lunch and dinner, it will be more than enough. Your liver will appreciate it.

In this regard, it should be noted that it does not cure cancer, no matter how much you read on the Internet.

Purifies the body

In addition to the previous benefit, lemon has a diuretic effect that helps purify the gastrointestinal system by promoting the elimination of toxins through the urine.

In this way, both your stomach and intestines will be much healthier and cleaner thanks to the lemon.

Strengthens defenses to fight colds and pain

As long as they are mild colds, the vitamin C present in lemons are of enormous help to fight colds. Components such as its minerals, stimulate the body’s defenses to fight against pathogens. For example, potassium is essential to keep blood pressure at its optimal levels.

In addition, as we have said before, lemon has anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for soothing throat irritation, controlling mucus secretion.

It is curative

Its disinfectant and antioxidant effect helps reduce wounds that have little left to heal. The ascorbic acid in lemons stimulates rapid cell regeneration so that the wound closes quickly. Of course, do not forget that it cannot enter the bloodstream: you must apply it around.

Fight against halitosis

  • Any food with a refreshing flavor such as mint or lemon, are of great help to remedy halitosis naturally.
  • When we have fresh breath, our mood improves considerably, simply by feeling comfortable with ourselves. Lemon is one of those refreshing nutrients that, in addition to its antimicrobial properties, improves oral health, preventing infections such as gingivitis. However, it must be used with caution and rinsed well with water, because the citric acid in lemon can damage the enamel layer and teeth.

The benefits and uses of lemon also apply to beauty

Lemon to lose weight

Losing weight is essential if you are obese. Many people have followed the lemon diet and claim that it has worked for them. However, it is a very restrictive diet and must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or a nutritionist.

It is usually done for five days, it is advisable to combine it with a healthy and balanced diet, and incorporating other slimming foods such as garlic or grapefruit, meat, fish and cooked vegetables. The juice is taken with warm water, frozen or with tea on an empty stomach and the different meals of the day. For example, in this post we suggested several light dinners to lose weight. You could add lemon to your routine and enhance the effect, but in the end everything is based on following good habits.

If you wonder how to take it, how to lose weight excess abdomen or simply how to lose weight fast with this citrus fruit, we have prepared a table with recipes and foods for you to do this diet for 5 days, from Monday to Friday.

In the preparation of homemade masks for the skin and hair

In addition, in cosmetics, lemon is widely used for its excellent properties in hair care. It restores the strands and nourishes them with its antioxidant vitamins. If you have oily hair, it will go pearl to strengthen it, prevent frizz, disinfect it and clean it of dandruff.

It is, without a doubt, an ingredient that cannot be missing in your homemade hair masks, along with others such as egg, yogurt, coconut oil, rosehip, avocado or sweet almond oil.

With the masks you will be able to repair the damage to your hair and restore its vitality. There are all kinds, for dry, damaged, curly or oily hair. Lemon plays an important role in all of them, since it provides vitamins and is a good natural cleanser. You can also combine it with clay masks.

For facial cleansing

Lemon juice is integrated into many facial cleansers for facial skin for its antimicrobial and cleansing properties. It is very effective and helps regulate oil in those who suffer from acne and other dermatological conditions. Your skin will appreciate a deep cleansing with this active ingredient.

The properties of lemon are immense, but these are the main ones. If you liked the article, you can see other related ones in our healthy life section.

Contraindications or side effects

Logically, it is a citrus that should be consumed in moderation. Do not exceed your oral intake more than that established in the diet that we have explained above. Any fruit, no matter how natural, has its own contraindications and exceeding the recommended dose could cause certain side effects such as stomach discomfort or dry skin.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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