The royal jelly is considered one of the foods richest in nutrients. It stands out for its properties and health benefits, as well as for being a revitalizing good. Its origin is very curious.

The bees manufacture it to be able to feed their larvae, since it favors their growth. This fact has been one of the reasons that have led scientists to study it in their research. Much remains to be discovered, but it is known to provide many nutrients both for health in the form of food and for the skin in the form of a cosmetic ingredient.

Another curious detail in relation to bees is that the workers only feed their larvae with royal jelly for a few days, while the queen bee uses it for their entire life. The workers do not live for more than two months, on the other hand, the queen’s descendants exceed one year of life. This again shows the need to know your qualities. In this article we will tell you about the different properties and benefits of royal jelly, its applications and possible contraindications or side effects that it may cause. You will also learn how to take it.

What are the properties of pure royal jelly?

The nutritional information of this food is more than interesting. Let’s see the properties and composition of fresh royal jelly.

What about its benefits?

As you can imagine, all the above properties represent advantages after consumption. There are many to discover, hence the intense study that is being carried out in universities such as Chile. It is not only necessary to detail each benefit, but also to know which components are responsible for them, so that they can be extrapolated to other areas such as medicine.

But, for now, as one of the best evidences that exists is experience, and it has been seen that royal jelly is an indispensable food in bees, we can affirm the following.

Health benefits

  • It is an almost instantaneous source of energy due to the presence of simple sugars.
  • Especially glucose is the only food in the brain. Being rich in acetylcholine, it maintains its nerve impulses at their optimal levels.
  • Much of the nutrients are essential for the immune and nervous systems.
  • The minerals present in royal jelly participate in many biochemical pathways in our body.
  • Ideal to improve our fertility.
  • It is an essential food for the growth of the smallest of the house.

For the skin

Pure royal jelly is widely used in cosmetics for the different nutritional contributions to all layers of the skin, including the deepest ones. It is very similar to rosehip.

  • Hydrating. It is rich in water and unsaturated fatty acids, which help cells to retain it properly.
  • Prevents aging. Its antioxidant vitamins delay the appearance of the signs of aging.
  • Prevents the formation of free radicals that oxidize cell metabolism.
  • It is very nutritious. Helps the skin stay elastic and plump.

For the hair

  • Keeps hair silky.
  • Nourishes hair intensely with its minerals and vitamins
  • Regenerating, acts from the roots to the ends.

Contraindications to consider

Some people should moderate their consumption. Let’s see what contraindications we must take into account.

  1. Diabetics and hyperglycemics, due to its high content of simple sugars.
  2. People who are overweight, since for the same reason royal jelly makes you fat if you do not control the doses. Some say you lose weight, but it is nutritionally impossible.
  3. Those who have allergies.
  4. Those who suffer from hypertension or tachycardia.
  5. Children under the age of six should have a doctor’s approval to take it frequently. If you add it to food very punctually, children over two years old can have royal jelly.
  6. Pregnant women should control their daily intake.

Excess taking capsules can lead to various side effects such as hypertension or headache.

How do you take royal jelly? Are you getting fat or thin?

The stability of the product is not very durable. As its conservation is somewhat complicated, it is usually sold lyophilized, in capsules or ampoules. The optimal dose for consumption depends on the person, so you should consult your doctor. The usual is around 60 mg daily.

The abundance of simple sugars in a food suppose immediate energy for our organism. If you don’t burn this energy, the sugars end up being turned into fat and stored in the body. This is what happens with royal jelly, therefore, within the recommended doses you will not gain weight, and if you exceed your consumption, you will have to exercise to burn the extra calories.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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