Taking half a tablespoon of water with bicarbonate is of great help to alkalize the body. But what exactly is it for? What are its benefits?

The baking soda is widely known since it is not only an essential ingredient in baking and cooking, but has very interesting properties for health and cleanliness of the home.

It is true that many people lean towards commercial and processed products on the market, but more and more people are benefiting from these almost miraculous white powders. And although it should be drunk in moderate amounts, many scientists suggest that its regular consumption is an extra help for the body’s metabolism, since it controls the acidity of vital fluids.

Likewise, experts explain that it has been used for centuries: it is dissolved in water and taken orally to prevent the appearance of certain diseases.

What is water with bicarbonate and lemon good for?

To alkalize the body

The excessive consumption of processed foods, soft drinks and a poor diet in general, is generating constant acidity in our body, which is not healthy at all.

With bicarbonate water it is possible to neutralize part of this acidity, increase the pH and, consequently, benefit health. Some argue that an excessively acidic environment increases the likelihood of cancer, arthritis, and other neurodegenerative diseases.

These qualities and its low cost make this natural treatment suitable for vital care. However, it is essential to moderate the intake so as not to fall into over-alkalization, which is also harmful.

Regulates acidity

The main reason it is used so much is for its antacid benefits. Its consumption actively combats heartburn, heartburn and bad breath associated with gastric reflux.

In addition, this ingredient reduces gas and pain caused by bloating, thus providing a feeling of well-being and stomach relief.

Stabilizes cholesterol levels

Water with sodium bicarbonate is an ideal option to regulate the concentration of bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood, especially when it is found in very high levels. However, a fundamental contraindication must be borne in mind: its sodium content makes it unfit its consumption for people suffering from hypertension.

It is antimicrobial

One of the most notable properties of this drink is its antimicrobial and antiseptic action, which promotes the elimination of certain fungi and bacteria responsible for various conditions.

For this reason, it is frequently used to reduce the symptoms of throat redness and irritation. All you need to do is gargle once or twice a day.

Improves athletic performance

When we make a great physical effort, our body synthesizes lactic acid, which causes the annoying soreness in the muscles.

To neutralize part of the lactate, it is advisable to drink sodium bicarbonate water. Thus, it is possible to lengthen the activity time and increase physical performance.

Reduces the symptoms of urinary infections

Diluting half a tablespoon of bicarbonate in water serves to protect us from urinary infections, since it increases the pH, that is, it reduces the acidity levels in this fluid.

In addition, its combined intake with natural blueberry juice and the recommended two liters of water per day, creates a synergy to prevent this disorder.

Protect teeth

Rinsing once every two days with sodium bicarbonate and lemon diluted in water protects your tooth enamel, acts against pathogenic microbes present in the mouth and fights bad breath, due to the fact that it regulates the acidity in it.

Try this mixture when you have not taken care of your oral hygiene and you will see how in a few weeks you will improve the feeling of well-being and freshness.

On the other hand, you can clean your dentures and the appliance of food residues by leaving them in a glass with water and carbonate for a few hours. Afterwards, rinse them well and keep using them completely clean.

How to drink water with baking soda?

To take this concoction, you must pay attention to the following indications to prevent side effects due to excessive consumption. The dose that professionals advise is:

  • 250 ml of natural mineral water.
  • 4 g of baking soda (a little more than half a tablespoon).

Mix well with a spoon and take between meals. The stomach needs to maintain an acidic pH to digest and break down food into usable nutrients.

If you want to cure yourself of a cold or flu, a suitable way to drink it is by following the instructions below:

  • 1st day: 4 glasses of water with bicarbonate (half a tablespoon).
  • 2nd day: 2 glasses of water (2 doses); one after lunch, and one after dinner.
  • 3rd day: 2 glasses (2 doses), same as the second day.

Although its flavor is not the best, this home remedy will help you take care of your health. Add it to your diet when you need it and you will see that in a few weeks you will notice the well-being inside you. Of course, any treatment must be carried out with the prior consent of a doctor or pharmacist. Remember that this article is informative and is not intended to replace the advice of a professional.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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