Today we are going to teach you how to make an apple oatmeal smoothie. I do not know if you have ever tried it, but I assure you that in addition to delighting your palate, you will enjoy all its benefits and properties that it brings to the body. There are many nutritionists who advise preparing this concoction to improve our health and control our weight.

But oatmeal with apple not only serves to lose weight, it also helps to purify the body thanks to its fiber and pectin content, to regulate blood cholesterol and, of course, its flavor is delicious. Preparing this recipe at home takes very little time and the foods are very easy to find. From here, we recommend it as the perfect breakfast every morning, do you dare to try it?

How to make an apple oatmeal smoothie

To start preparing it, gather the following ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of whole oats.
  • 1 glass of natural mineral water.
  • green apple.
  • Lemon and cinnamon to taste.

Steps to prepare the homemade smoothie:

  1. Soak the oatmeal overnight.
  2. When it’s time for breakfast, clean the apple. It is important to take it with the skin, since most of its nutrients are concentrated in this part of the fruit.
  3. Add the water, oatmeal, and apple to the blender. Mix well until you have a smooth drink.
  4. Give it a touch of flavor with a pinch of cinnamon and a few drops of lemon.
  5. You can add the ice chopped or whole.
  6. Now you just have to enjoy!

How to take it?

It is best to take it on an empty stomach or for breakfast. As you have seen, it is a shake that is prepared quickly, and thanks to its satiating effect it will help you burn that fat that you have in the love handles. You will never get tired of your taste!

What is apple with oatmeal good for? Properties and benefits

There are many reasons why you should consume this smoothie. If you wonder what it is good for, read on and you will be surprised.

Helps regulate metabolism

Oatmeal is considered a superfood, so it is advisable to incorporate it into our diet on a daily basis. In addition, together with the green apple, a synergy is established that further improves all its properties. But do you want to know what its main benefit is? Its ability to regulate metabolism.

  • The most important nutrients in this food are fiber from oats, and pectin from apple, with cleansing action and ideal for weight loss.
  • Nutritionists advise drinking this apple oatmeal smoothie on an empty stomach as it provides fiber, prevents snacking between meals and speeds up fat metabolism.

To lose weight

It is not the first time that we talk about the properties of oats to lose weight. But if you also combine it with green apple, these benefits increase.

  • Regulates blood glucose levels. This shake is perfect for people who suffer from diabetes, as well as, as we explained above, it starts the metabolism.
  • The oatmeal and apple smoothie has a satiating effect. Taking it every morning will curb the urge to eat between meals and thus control the calories you put into the body.
  • It promotes the synthesis of lecithin, a molecule that is synthesized in the liver and has a purifying, fat-burning and detoxifying action.
  • It favors the gastrointestinal transit. As its carbohydrates are slow to be absorbed, the satiety effect is prolonged in time, more gastric juices are secreted, the digestion of food is facilitated and, therefore, the nutrients are absorbed much better. Another benefit that you cannot lose sight of, since in this way we prevent fluid retention, constipation and cleanse the body more efficiently.

Reduce the cholesterol

Although you have to follow the advice given by your doctor, a good diet helps fight cholesterol without the need to take so much medication. If you have very high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), try oatmeal with green apple every day for the following reasons:

  • The fiber present in oats carries away LDL cholesterol and toxins until the end of digestion, preventing it from accumulating in the blood.
  • For its part, the apple is rich in pectin and polyphenols, other compounds that are involved in regulating cholesterol. They also increase the concentration of good cholesterol or HDL, which contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Finally, being a drink low in sodium and rich in potassium, it helps to control blood pressure and avoid hypertension problems.

Rich in vitamins

This apple oatmeal remedy is a perfect “vitamin bomb” to start the day with energy and fill any type of nutritional deficiency. And best of all, it can be taken by both children and the oldest in the family. Would you like to know why?

  • It offers all kinds of B vitamins, especially B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin). These vitamins contribute to muscle health, metabolize sugars for energy faster, and are involved in protein production.
  • It contains minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium and essential amino acids for health.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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