The avocado is a food with considerable energy values, and has a number of properties that can not be missed as its ability to regulate cholesterol, improve the overall circulatory system or consume when you do sport.

 If you wonder if it is a fruit or a vegetable, you should know that it is a fruit, and it does not have the fame it deserves, unlike the pear, banana or apple. Due to its slightly high lipid content, many do not recommend it to lose weight.

This is only a summary. In this article we reveal all the information about the properties of avocado, its scientific name, information about the tree from which it is obtained and more benefits it can bring to the body. Next we begin detailing its properties.

Properties and benefits of avocado

One of the main benefits of avocado (whose scientific name is Persea americana ) is its healthy fat content. As those of you who follow Argan Oil Web know, unsaturated fatty acids are necessary for human life. However, our body cannot produce them and they have to be ingested with food, and this is one of them. The avocado is also a source of energy for all elite athletes, or people who constantly perform physical exercise.

Additionally, avocado is appropriate for the elderly, children, even pregnant women can benefit from its properties. Among them, it regulates blood cholesterol, in addition to contributing to the stabilization of the heart rate. For this last reason is actually why many specialists recommend it for athletes.

In its nutritional value we find both unsaturated fatty acids, both omega 3 and omega 6, also minerals such as zinc or potassium and vitamins. It is rich in protein, ideal for the repair of muscle fibers when doing a lot of exercise. Other properties:

  • For the joints. They reduce pain or inflammation. Some doctors advise it as a complement to medicine in arthritic patients, along with others such as devil’s claw.
  • It contains fiber, which improves digestion and reduces constipation.
  • Its nutrients are essential to maintain a healthy immune system, such as carotenoids.
  • Some women consume avocado during pregnancy to indirectly feed the baby. In this case it is best to ask the doctor if it could be useful, since each person is different.
  • Contains folic acid.
  • To lower bad cholesterol. In the long term it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents such as heart attack. Olive oil is another perfect food in the diet for this purpose.
  • It has calories as energy intake in the morning.


In kitchen

Creole avocado is used in highly successful culinary recipes since a butter can be made to replace the traditional mayonnaise, even butter. Including it in recipes such as salads, fillings, garnishes, with prawns, tuna, even in desserts are a good option to complete your daily diet.

In cosmetics

Ripe avocado is widely used in aesthetic and cosmetic treatments, since its antioxidant effect delays premature skin aging. Avocado oil is a powerful moisturizer that keeps the cell structure active to preserve a youthful, plump and plump skin. On the other hand, you can make homemade avocado hair and face masks, they are very easy to prepare (we will tell you about it in links below).

The masks have a calming effect to relax the skin against the effects of aging, and to nourish the hair and keep it soft, silky and strengthened.

The avocado seed

So far we have referred to the pulp of the fruit, from which most of its benefits are used. But we can also integrate a property with avocado seeds. You can make a recipe with ground seed, for example. The seeds contain many essential amino acids for humans, it also prevents the alteration of cholesterol levels and is very rich in fiber.

If you have diarrhea, the seeds are a great option to fight it naturally, as well as to smooth the intestinal transit. There is a high content of phenols in this part of the vegetable, from which a lot has been learned in recent years. Although, as we always say, never start a treatment without first asking your doctor.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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