Papaya and its seeds are widely known for their protective and cleansing properties. Some organs such as the liver and the intestines of the digestive system are the ones that benefit the most from its consumption. It is rich in various nutrients such as papain, iron, calcium, vitamins, fiber or thiamine, some compounds that make it unique to promote digestion.

In this article we will tell you what are the benefits and properties of papaya, what it is for and some recipes with its seeds, juice and fruit so that you can incorporate it into your diet without getting tired. But first, we will tell you some history.

The fruit has been very popular in Mexico and nearby countries in moments prior to the conquest of America. Later, its use spread to South America and other continents, in regions such as China or Malaysia. Today, papaya is known worldwide and its properties have been discovered over the years. In addition, its flavor is unique and therefore it is used as an ingredient in different foods, taking advantage of its juice and seeds. Let’s see below the benefits that characterize it.

What are the properties and benefits of papaya?

Liver cleanse

The liver is an essential organ for life. Without him, we are nothing. Its main function is to filter substances that are harmful to the body, and send them to the excretory system to eliminate them. If the liver fails due to disease, the body’s clearance could be impaired.

There are ways to help you filter out toxic compounds, and one of them is through papaya seeds. Many specialists indicate that they are beneficial for liver cirrhosis. The best way is taking papaya seeds a couple of times a day, grinding 4-6 and mixing them with lemon juice. However, before starting a treatment, it must be approved by your doctor.

Serves for the digestive system

Another of its great properties is its richness in antimicrobial enzymes, which protect the intestines and, consequently, your health. The reason is due to the presence of carpaine, an anthelmintic alkaloid with antiparasitic action. If you want to take them for this purpose, it is advisable to let the seeds dry, and then they are ground. Put a small saucepan with water to boil, add the powder obtained and drink them in a glass. You can sweeten with honey or sweeten with cinnamon.

The kidneys, other great beneficiaries

Papaya juice and its seeds are indicated to combat kidney failure, as well as for its prevention. A teaspoon of this food a day will be of great help. If you don’t want to take them alone, you can add the seeds as a garnish to a fish, meat or salad plate.

Papaya diet to lose weight

One of the greatest benefits of Chilean papaya is its ability to prevent the absorption of excess sugars consumed in a meal, hence it is known for its “fat burning” action, despite its calories. Thus, you will gain less weight throughout the day and you will not worry so much about your weight. However, from here we recommend a balanced diet and a little exercise every day; there is no better way to lose weight.

What are papaya seeds good for?

Most people who eat papaya seeds are in order to lose weight fast. In fact, we are sure that the property that has most impressed you is that of losing weight. In this sense, we are going to explain a series of tips to lose weight with this natural fruit. But before starting, you should know that the fat burning effects will be noticeable in the long term (ideal in a healthy diet) and they are not miracle tricks; you will have to do your part to notice the results.

1. Taking seeds on an empty stomach

Combine green tea with papaya seeds. Prepare an infusion to drink on an empty stomach with green tea and 10 unground seeds. Take them whole every day. You can change tea and try Pu Erh (more thermogenic), and add other ingredients such as ginger. Do this trick for two weeks.

2. Incorporate them regularly in your recipes

There is no better way than to consume a food to lose weight by adding it to your favorite recipes. Green papaya seeds, or the juice of its fruit serve to enrich your dishes with new nutrients.

  • Meat and fish. Add them as a garnish or on top.
  • In salads. The seeds are one of the most convenient foods for salads. Alternate the sunflower seeds with those of pumpkin, sesame or Arequipa papaya.
  • Ground into infusions.
  • To add flavor to rice dishes.

Finally, it is worth highlighting the need to moderate its consumption in pregnancy and lactation. Balance your diet so that the baby gets the most nutrients possible.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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