Superfood, Ceylon-Zimt, Zimt, Pulver, Stangen, Schalchen, schwarzer Untergrund, Schiefer

The cinnamon is one of those foods that can not miss in your diet for the vast properties and benefits it presents. It is very nutritious and helps you lose weight if you are gaining a lot of kilos lately.

In addition, you will not get tired of it because there are many ways to take it: branch, fine, preparing a delicious cinnamon tea… And it not only serves to lose weight, but also to regulate acidity, provide some energy to the body, reduce fatigue, improve the cardiovascular system or even as a palliative of throat conditions.

In this article we are not going to talk only about cinnamon, but about a combination of this ingredient with others that have nutritional qualities that you cannot waste: honey, lemon, bay leaf, ginger… We are going to present all its properties, how to make a tea or an infusion with red tea and some details that you cannot miss.

Properties and benefits of cinnamon with honey or lemon

Both foods can be used to maintain good health. Incorporating one of these mixtures into the diet can serve to achieve a feeling of well-being and provide nutritional properties to the body easily. And is that cinnamon and honey ( see properties of honey here ) have very interesting nutritional values, both in terms of energy and minerals or vitamins. As I have read on some sites, in synergy its benefits are much greater, and you can take a tablespoon each day of this combination of ingredients. In addition, it is delicious. Here are some of the properties of combining it with other foods such as lemon.

  • To lose weight. The cinnamon stick is prepared in infusions as you will see below and serves to accelerate the metabolism, or that is confirmed by certain studies. It causes a kind of satiety that reduces the urge to take sugar continuously.
  • To control glucose. In addition to the previous benefit, by controlling the sugar we eat, its levels in the blood circulation are regulated. Ideal for us to burn reserve fats and lose a little weight.
  • Combat fluid retention.
  • Improve defenses. It is not proven to be an effective antibiotic. In fact, I have read out there that it serves “as an antibiotic to prevent certain diseases.” An antibiotic cannot be taken if you do not have a bacterial condition, and less if you have the flu, since it is caused by a virus and you would be taking it in vain.
  • Soothe superficial pain such as irritation of the pharynx, aphonia or that caused by an inflammation of the tonsils. In no case should fine cinnamon and honey substitute a medicine without the doctor’s permission. If it allows you, add a couple of teaspoons to a glass of plain water and gargle.
  • It is an aphrodisiac. The cinnamon has aphrodisiac properties, so you need a partner who could consume to enhance your personal relationships and feel better, both he and she.
  • Power source. Especially if you suffer from fatigue or exhaustion, taking a tablespoon each morning can help you combat this state of neglect that is difficult to get up every day. Cinnamon and honey or bay leaf are a source of energy.
  • In cosmetics. It is constantly used as an active ingredient in slimming cosmetics, such as thermotherapy, a treatment that consists of applying heat to the area to be treated to burn fat.

How to make a cinnamon tea?

One of the first tips you will find is to prepare tea with Ceylon Chinese cinnamon, as it adds a special aroma to the ancient drink. You can put it thin or branch. Although there are many ways to incorporate this food into your daily diet, we have chosen to teach you how to prepare a tea, not only for its benefits, but because it is very rich.

The process to prepare it is extremely simple. Here are the steps:

  1. Prepare a kettle with water to boil.
  2. When it is boiling, turn off the heat and add the red tea, in bulk or in bags. You can see the properties of red tea here.
  3. Wait for the drink to infuse a few minutes, between 5 and 7.
  4. From minute 3, put the cinnamon stick, ground or fine in tablespoons. The amount depends on your taste. Half a tablespoon is fine. You can sweeten it with honey, but if you want to lose weight it is not recommended.
  5. You already have an infusion with these ancient medicinal plants that you will love, and that you will have made at home.

And again, we want to record that before starting any type of treatment, whatever its purpose, first consult your trusted doctor since no one better than him will advise you better.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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