The oatmeal is the most common way we eat this cereal that many properties brings to the body. As we explained in another article, oats are made up of an outer shell called the glume.
The bran is the layer that remains below the glume, which must be removed before it can be consumed. The most notable property of rolled oats is that it is used to lose weight. Many diets recommend them, such as Dukan, to help you lose those extra pounds that we dislike so much. It is advisable to include them in a healthy and balanced diet, rather than eating this cereal. It is rich in vitamins and fiber to relieve constipation. In this article we will tell you all about the benefits of oatmeal flakes for weight loss, what recipes to make with them, some contraindications and several frequently asked questions.
Benefits of oatmeal flakes for weight loss
In the world of nutrition and dietetics there are many professionals who encourage the consumption of oats in diets to lose weight. One of them is Miquel Pros. This expert’s fault is to praise it as a healing superfood. The flakes help you lose weight because they have diuretic benefits, that is, it reduces fluid retention in our body. They also regulate cell metabolism and have high concentrations of fiber. The fiber in rolled oats is great for fighting constipation.
Flake properties
Other properties attributed to oat flakes are:
- Regulates bad cholesterol levels in the blood.
- Prevents rises in blood sugar.
- Avoid hypertension.
- It supposes an energetic contribution in the morning to fight against the fatigue.
- Reduce daily stress.
- It is rich in vitamins.
- It is gluten free.
- Even if they say it prevents cancer, all you have to do is eat well. No miracles. All the discussed properties of rolled oats actually come from a healthy lifestyle, which also helps in weight loss.
Despite not containing gluten, oats come into contact with the processing of other cereals from those companies that treat them. Therefore, celiacs should take care of their consumption and pay attention to the “gluten-free” labels of the product. For example, Online Platfom usually labels them properly in this regard. If you suffer from stomach ulcers, another contraindication is to take care of the oat flake intake as it could cause stomach pain. The same if you have gastroenteritis or Crohn’s disease. If you have more questions and want to start a treatment with oatmeal to lose weight, we recommend that you ask your questions in the comments or your regular doctor. No one better than him will advise you.
Recipes with oat flakes
If you wonder how to take them, comment that you can do it in different ways and at any time of the day. There are those who take it for dinner, there are those who do it for breakfast.
Boiled cream
To prepare a cream you need:
- 3 tbsp oat flakes
- Water: 50 cl
- carrot, tomato, leek, eggplant, pepper or any other vegetable that you like for the cream.
Mix all the ingredients well, beat them, pass them through the strainer if you don’t like lumps and cook it to taste. The cream boiled with flakes helps to nourish the body, it is a light dinner, it helps to improve the state of sleep since our stomach does not make a heavy digestion, and it is a suitable food for dinner, because it provides all kinds of plant nutrients and natural. Additionally, boiled oatmeal is one of the healthiest ways to consume it. The reason is that it gives off a mucilaginous product ideal for the gastrointestinal tract.
Another way to take the flakes. To make the muesli, soak them for several hours, better overnight. At breakfast have an apple cut into pieces in a natural yogurt with the oatmeal. On the one hand, it is a diuretic, which eliminates fluid retention. On the other, it reduces the appetite which contributes to weight loss, like oat bran.
Are they fattening?
As we always say, oatmeal flakes are not fattening as long as they are consumed in the right doses. If you overdo it, due to the nutritional values you may exceed the amount of daily carbohydrates necessary for your body. Ask a specialist what is the optimal amount for you. Here is a video with another recipe that you will love.