The seaweed, popularly known as sea vegetables, are widely consumed food that are high in vitamins, minerals and other healthy compounds for our body.

These algae are part of a healthy and balanced diet, as they stimulate cellular metabolism. In fact, some studies affirm that those regions that habitually consume them, the life expectancy is somewhat higher than the average.

Below you will know all the benefits and properties of these living beings to lose weight, and different ideas to make your own recipes.

Properties of seaweed to lose weight

The seaweeds have a variety of properties that make its essential consumption and help thin those kilos we left over at the waist.

These organisms have been shown to be found at the beginning of phylogenetic trees. Other living beings have derived from them, because they have a high content of minerals such as iron, iodine or calcium. In addition, its absorption in heavy metals is infinitely less than in fish. Some of the most relevant compounds in seaweed are:

  • The minerals, of course. Calcium is essential for bones, and iron as a structural atom in hemoglobin, in addition to performing other functions. They are also rich in potassium, magnesium and iodine, essential for body growth and development.
  • Vitamins. A seaweed is not only rich in vitamins, it also contains a lot of variety. Vitamin A and B are present. Also C and E, antioxidant in nature, that is, they prevent the formation of free radicals, keeping cells healthy. Finally, vitamins E and K. are present.
  • Carbohydrates and vegetable proteins.

Some examples of seaweed are wakame, nori, dulse, kelp, and kombu seaweed.

What are the benefits of edible seaweed?

Many wonder what seaweed is good for. Once we have seen its interesting properties, let’s see all the benefits they bring us.

  • They replenish minerals to stimulate cellular metabolism, since these are part of a high percentage of chemical reactions.
  • They are very effective in regulating the pH in cases of acidosis. That is, they act as alkalizing agents.
  • They are ideal for children, since they favor growth due to their iodine content.
  • They contribute to the regulation of blood pressure.
  • They favor the digestive processes and are purifying.
  • In weight loss diets, the presence of seaweed is strictly necessary, since they act against localized fat when its consumption is habitual.
  • On the outside, they help you keep your skin young and silky. This effect is enhanced if you use natural cosmetics.

In cosmetics, the types of seaweed also have different properties.

  • They are antioxidants thanks to vitamins, therefore they are used as an active ingredient for anti-aging.
  • They are very nutritious and provide vitality to the different layers of the dermis.
  • Masks are made with purifying action seaweed.

Seaweed recipe ideas

First of all, say that you can buy them in many establishments, such as supermarkets, herbalists or specialized stores. You can also buy them online. You will generally find them dry, since in this state they are better preserved and it is very comfortable for both the seller and the buyer. The only thing to do when they are going to be consumed is to soak them for several minutes. From there your imagination will lead you to cook them, fry them or cook them in the oven to incorporate it into your recipes. Of course, take into account some aspects.

  • When you store them, do it in tightly closed containers, otherwise the seaweed would spoil quickly.
  • Before soaking them, they should be washed a little with tap water.
  • When you put them to soak, the volume of the seaweed increases, so keep that in mind so as not to go overboard with the amount. If you do not use them frequently, you will become familiar little by little.

As for the recipes, as we already discussed in other articles, algae are very versatile and if you include them regularly, you will improve your diet. Here are some ideas for use.

  • In soups and vegetable or chicken broths. You can cook them and even bake them first. This trick adds an extra touch of flavor.
  • In stews, stews and purees.
  • As a garnish in meat, fish and pasta dishes, to give a green and healthier touch to the dish.
  • In all kinds of salads, to add a different touch.
  • To make seaweed bread.

Types of seaweed

In the seas and oceans there are multiple species of these plant living beings. In general, they tend to grow in cold waters. You can distinguish types of algae based on their colors or proximity to the surface. This is due to the fact that the deeper ones do not carry out photosynthesis, therefore they do not develop chlorophyll and are brown or red. On the other hand, those closest to the sea surface, they can capture the light that translates into a greater production of chlorophyll in the chloroplasts, and they will present a green color. All of these algae are not edible as some are difficult to digest.

What types of algae are the most frequent? More than frequent, let’s say tasty. The most interesting algae in our opinion are the kombu, dulse, or wakame algae varieties, as well as the hiziki, arame and agar-agar algae. If you want to know more information about the therapeutic properties, before starting any treatment, it is recommended that you seek the advice of a doctor.

By SelectiveDiet Staff

SelectiveDiet is a blog about Healthy Eating, Benefits of Foods, Foods to Avoid, Lose Weight, Rich Foods for health, Vitamins & Proteins, etc. A diet & nutrition blog with purpose is to help people with food & diet issues

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